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Haartransplantation und Haarsprechstunde:       Tel.     030 - 860 98 60


Hair medicine, hair transplant and
Dermatology - the Trichomed® practice

Healthy and full hair is a sign of youth and attractiveness. That's why we want to keep it or get it back. Hair loss can have a profound impact on well-being and self-perception. Modern dermatology, hair medicine and hair transplantation techniques can effectively treat and restore lost and thinning hair.

Dr. Andreas Finner is a German board-certified dermatologist, hair specialist and experienced hair transplantation surgeon in Berlin. Together with his Trichomed® team, he has specialized in hair and scalp disorders, trichology and hair restoration surgery for many years. His expertise and experience, which he acquired at leading university hair clinics, will help you solve your hair problem through hair medicine and hair transplantation.

During the hair consultation, we perform an exact hair examination and use analytic methods to find the reason for your hair loss and establish a clear diagnosis. Based on these findings, you will get a treatment plan to achieve your goal of preserving and improving your hair. This may involve hair medications, hair care products, scalp treatments, hair stimulation procedures and hair transplantation. Digital hair analysis and measurements are used to accurately assess the treatment effect.



Hair transplantation involves microsurgical techniques to restore hair in a natural and permanent way. Dr. Andreas Finner is an experienced hair surgeon. He was trained in Canada and the USA and is a Fellow of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. He has successfully personally transplanted many thousands of patients and knows how to individually apply modern surgical techniques to your personal hair situation.

Hair transplantation has evolved into a popular method worldwide to naturally and permanently improve severe hair loss and alopecia in men and women. Your own hairs are redistributed on the scalp to restore the hair line and cover bald or thinning areas. New techniques minimize the down time, pain and discomfort. The procedure is done in local anesthesia and takes several hours.

The Trichotransplant® concept of hair transplantation features the use of state-of-the art instruments and methods such as microscopic FUT or minimally-invasive FUE, combined with an artistic manual distribution and placement of the follicular unit hair grafts.

Not every hair transplant is the same. To be successful, it has to be adjusted to your individual hair and scalp situation. The living hair grafts have to be handled very delicately to survive and grow permanently. They should be distributed and placed like your natural hair to be undetectable.

Finding the right doctor and a skilled team to perform hair transplantation is essential for a satisfying and successful result. During the initial consultation, Dr. Finner will tell you if you are a good candidate for hair transplantation. He will carefully examine and measure your hair and overall health, discuss your expectations and suggest a realistic surgical plan to achieve a good long-term improvement. He will explain the chances and risks of the surgery and choose the right method together with you. The latest techniques and instruments are used and chosen depending on your hair type. On the day of the surgery, we will make you feel comfortable in a relaxing atmosphere. Music and lunch are included. Dr. Finner will personally perform the surgical steps of the procedure. His team will assist in the non-surgical steps. When all the hairs are transplanted, you will receive special preparations and instructions regarding your post-op hair care. Regular follow-up visits with Dr. Finner are scheduled to assess the result and maintain your hair.

To schedule a personal appointment with Dr. Finner (Haarsprechstunde or Voruntersuchung Haartransplantation), call us at +49 30 8609 860 or use the online option.


Auszeichnung und Mitgliedschaft Dr. Finner

Award and memberships of hair expert Dr. Finner