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Hair transplantation

Hair transplantation

Haaranalyse mit Dr. finner

Hair analysis and pre- examination with Dr. Finner

In advanced and severe hair loss and balding, follicular unit hair transplantation can achieve a significant and permanent improvement. Bald and thinning areas and scalp scars can be covered again. Men and women can be treated. For a successfull and natural hair transplant, the procedure needs to be personally planned and performed by an experienced and skilfull doctor.

The unique Trichotransplant concept was developed by the experienced German Hair surgeon Dr. Andreas M. Finner to combine latest microsurgery techniques and instrumentation with the experience and manual skills acquired over more than 18 years by treating thousands of patients. Dr. Finner received his training at leading University hair loss and hair transplant centers at Charité Berlin, in Canada and in the USA.

Dr. Finner is a board certified Dermatologist and completed a unique special Fellowship in Hair science and Hair transplant surgery at the University of Vancouver in Canada. He is also an experienced Fellow of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (FISHRS) and International Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology.

The procedure takes several hours in local skin anaesthesia with minimal pain and discomfort. It involves harvesting follicular units (FU grafts) with 1-4 hair follicles (roots) from the permanent area of the scalp. These tiny living hair grafts are then placed into the balding or thinning areas of alopecia to improve hair density and coverage. They do not suffer from significant shrinking and therefore replace the lost hairs.

For a successful hair transplantation, a good long-term surgical masterplan and careful graft handling is crucial. Dr. Finner and his experienced team of assistants have treated numerous patients and acquired the necessary know-how and skills over many years. Dr. Finner will determine your hair line and the distribution of the grafts in an individual way to ensure a good natural and long-term result based on your situation.

For graft harvesting, two established methods can be used or even combined for larger graft numbers. In both methods, each follicular unit FU graft contains 1-4 hair follicles.

Haarvereinzelung im Labor nach Operation

Micoscopic follicular unit hair graft preparation in the laboratory during a hair transplantation

With the FUE technique, each follicular unit is excised separately from the occipital scalp with a small micropunch in a manual handpiece. Modern instruments such as hybrid punches, oscillation, vibration and suction avoid injury of the hair follicles. If the maximum available graft number is respected, visible thinning of the donor area can be avoided even with a short hair style.

With the FUT technique, a linear strip of scalp skin is carefully excised. A special trichophytic suturing technique helps to minimize the scar. The donor area can immediately be combed over, no shaving of large areas is necessary. The individual FU grafts are dissected under stereo- microscopes in direct vision. This yields large numbers of very robust grafts with minimal transection.

The grafts are handled very carefully to ensure their survival. Dr. Finner will personally make small recipient sites in a natural direction, distribution and size, adapted to your pre-existing hair and scalp shape. Then, the FU grafts are placed into these tiny incisions. Within a few days, they will grow in. The down-time with crusts, swelling, numbness and pain killers takes 1-2 weeks. It takes up to 9-12 months for the new hair to reach their final density and thickness.

The first step to your hair restoration is a personal consultation and examination with your hair surgeon Dr. Andreas Finner. He will analyze your hair situation using digital measurements, assess the necessary and available graft numbers and discuss your goals and a realistic outcome. A possible progression of your hair loss should be part of the scenario and long-term plan. Hair medications can help to avoid further thinning. The best method of hair transplantation will be chosen according to your preference and situation. The chances and risks of the procedure will be discussed. Before-and after-photos of typical patients will be shown. The surgical plan will include the number of grafts and a cost/price estimate.

To schedule a personal appointment and pre-assessment for a hair transplant with Dr. Finner (Voruntersuchung Haartransplantation), call us at +49 30 8609 860 or use the online option with doctolib.

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